Soundproofing Your Garage For A Garage Band
“As a homeowner, you can turn your home into just about anything you need. When it comes to creating a space that is ideal for band practice, the main focus is soundproofing to avoid the neighbors hating you or calling the cops for a noise complaint. When soundproofing your garage for a garage band, there are a few great foam solutions capable of meeting your needs. Let’s take a closer look at the way foam can help, as well as a few tips on getting this job done the right way.

- Start with windows
When soundproofing your garage for a garage band, the windows are always a good place to start. Since glass can easily let sound out and cause unwanted vibrations, this is one of the first areas to tackle. If your garage has windows, you have a few options for converting them to a more band practice friendly area.
The first option is to brick the window up which is essentially turning it into just another part of the wall. This option will provide the best soundproofing since it removes the glass surface which allows sound to easily escape, but it is also a more permanent choice that isn’t easy to undo later on. The second option is to use a window plug. A window plug, when combined with additional acoustical foam soundproofing solutions, can effectively block sound both from coming in and going out of the garage. This is a foam plug which goes around the frame of the window to create a sound barrier. While it is ideal at stopping sound leaks through the frame, you will still need an additional barrier over the glass itself to stop additional sound travel and vibrations. The good news about this option over bricking up the window is that you can easily remove the plug and sound barriers later on if you want the window back. In addition to the plug, there are a few great foam solutions used for soundproofing over windows. For example, you can add acoustic foam wedges, foam sheets, and soundproofing curtains to help block sound from escaping your garage window. - Take on the door
Aside from the windows, the garage door is the other big area of concern. Since this is such a larger area leaving a large opening for sound to travel, you need to take care to soundproof it thoroughly. There are a few great foam solutions to make this happen. For starters, you can install acoustic paneling to the door which will help stop sound travel. Next, you will want to plug up the frame to avoid any leaks. Finally, you can add an additional layer of protection in the form of acoustic curtains or larger acoustic blankets. The great thing about these solutions is that you can easily remove them later when you convert the garage back into a place to house your vehicle. - Don’t forget the ceiling
When it comes to soundproofing your garage for a garage band, many people forget about the ceiling. This is an area where the sound can easily travel not only to the interior of the house, but also outside to the annoyance of your neighbors. In this area, there are ceiling tiles made of foam specifically for this intended application. These are easy to install and offer a great deal of soundproofing ability. - Layer the walls
While the windows, door, and ceiling are all important in the overall soundproofing goal, the walls are the most important area because they take up the most spaces and are usually not built with soundproofing in mind. In fact, most modern garages are simply wood frames with drywall rather than brick which means very little in the way of soundproofing, especially for the use of practice space for drums, guitars, and other loud instruments.
To soundproof the walls, the best bet is to install foam sheets or panels and then cover them with soundproofing blankets for the best effect. The good news is that this type of foam solution comes in several different sizes so you can get the right amount for the job. The panels or sheets are also easy to place with the use of foam tack or foam specific adhesive spray. The blankets can be hung over it by way of rods and hooks mounted to the wall or ceiling.
When soundproofing the walls, it is important to keep in mind that even a little bit of acoustic foam helps with deadening the sound to keep it from escaping. Even if you can’t cover all four walls entirely, you will still receive some soundproofing benefits if you only add a few panels to each wall since the foam is designed to absorb sounds. If you are looking for total soundproofing however, you will want to provide adequate foam paneling to all four walls of the garage. - Understand the different shapes/types of acoustical foam
When looking at acoustical foam solutions, you will notice there are several different shapes available for this product. The different shapes are worth noting to help you get the right option.
• Wedge. This shape is most commonly used in professional soundproofing such as recording studios. The raised wedges help to capture sound waves at a faster rate to provide exceptional soundproofing. The width of the wedge plays a role in how much sound is absorbed and at what rate. A larger wedge will capture more sound at a faster rate.
• Pyramid. This is similar to the wedge but in a different shape. This shape offers a different sounding acoustic than wedge yet still works well for soundproofing a space for band practice. Again, keep in mind that the larger the pyramids, the better the sound deadening properties.
• Eggcrate. This shape is used often because it is more affordable than a wedge or pyramid. The added affordability usually means a lower soundproofing ability than the other two options, but this is still a great choice when working on a budget. It is usually paired with acoustical blankets or curtains to add to its ability.
• Wave. These are usually large panels ideal for covering larger spaces. They are less raised than the other shapes, but their size is a big benefit. This option has waves cut into the surface of the foam to help with soundproofing.
• Grid. Similar to wave, this shape helps to improve the sound absorption in a space. This shape is used more to improve sound quality, but it also offers some soundproofing abilities in the process.
Posted in Acoustic Foam, DIY
Hi, and thanks for very helpful info on soundproofing windows! I”m sorry your business is (like so many) affected by the pandemic.
I have moderate traffic noise coming through windows of 63″X39″, 27″ X 24″, and 46″ X 39″. I’d like to have soundproofing “plugs” that can be easily placed and removed as the need for sound reduction changes, like at bedtime in a bedroom. I need sound reduction but not perfection. Which product do you recommend?
Jeff Knapp, formerly of East Lansing Mi, sister in Marshall MI
For this application, we would recommend one of our Sound Barrierfoams, or our solid Acoustic Foam,depending on the desired thickness. Contact Usfor further details.