Ski-Doo Seat Repair
As the proud owner of a Sea-Doo jet ski, you want that investment to last for years of fun. Made to offer speed and fun in the sun, this brand of
Signs of Seat Damage
When looking at your jet ski seat, there are a few telltale signs that you need to make a repair. For starters, if the cover and the cushion have a hole where chunks of foam are coming out, there is a problem. If the seat feels bumpy or like there is a gap between the cover and the cushion underneath, there is a problem. Even if the seat simply doesn’t feel as cushioning and soft when you are out riding, it is probably a quick fix with some foam in the seat.
Why foam?
When it comes to Sea-Doo seat repair, you may wonder why foam is the ideal solution. Foam is a cushioning material that offers the best in stable support and cushioning comfort. It can be found in a wide range of products from mattresses and sofas to car seats and jet ski seats. Best of all, it’s an affordable solution over buying an all new seat, as well as being a relatively easy to work with solution for even a novice. It is also long lasting!
Open or closed cell foams?
If you are new to buying foam for making repairs, you might be confused between open cell or closed cell foam. Open celled foam offers more cushioning and is the option used in various types of seating. Closed cell foam is heavier and doesn’t offer the same cushioning effect as open celled so it isn’t commonly used in seating repairs.
What type of foam?
When looking at performing a Sea-Doo seat repair, you need the right open celled foam for the job. There are a few solutions worth noting for this type of repair. For starters, our Dryfast foam is ideal for any outdoor seating solution where water is a concern. This material offers superior air flow and dries quickly while also being highly resistant to bacteria, mildew, and mold. While many jet ski seats offer water protection of their own with the cover, its always a good idea to have extra protection overall. If you are confident in the water protection of your seat cover, you can technically opt for any seat cushioning foam solution. Another option is cloth backed foam which allows you to add layers to the seat inside the cover for added support or cushioning to meet your needs. You can also use scraps of foam which are highly compactible to help create layers within a larger hole in the surface of your seat. Whether you choose a larger sheet of Dryfast and cut it yourself to the specifications of the seat hole or you work with scraps to fill the hole, foam is a great solution for this type of repair.

Sea-Doo Seat Repair
The first step in repairing your Sea-Doo seat is to determine if the damage is in the cushioning itself or the cover and the cushion. You may need to order a new cover for your Sea-Doo prior to getting started with the foam repair. Aside from the cover, you will need the chosen foam solution, a cutting blade or box cutter, ruler, and adhesive spray or glue.
Remove the cover from the seat. There are usually screws on the bottom side of the seat cover which will allow you to remove the cover. Many seats will also lift off the base of the jet ski as well which will allow you the chance to flip the seat over for a better assessment of the damage and necessary repairs.
Examine the damages to the foam. If there are obvious chunks of foam missing from the cushion, you will know where to start. If the foam cushion doesn’t have chunks of foam missing but has lost its springy feel, you may simply need to add a few layers of cloth backed foam for added cushioning.
When repairing holes in the surface of the foam seat, start by measuring the width and depth of any larger holes. This will help you cut the foam for the repairs of the hole. Keep in mind that if you are working with a large hole in the surface of the seat, you can always repair it by layering foam scraps inside the hole and then placing one larger piece of foam over the opening. This is an easy way to accommodate for varying degrees of thickness being required for a repair.
When figuring out how much foam to use in filling holes in the surface, you don’t want to glue them down right away. You should experiment with different scraps, sizes, and layouts of the foam pieces inside the hole to make sure you get the right outcome for your preferences in terms of firmness. Once you have the right set up in terms of where to place the smaller pieces of the foam, you can start putting them in place with adhesive.
When using the adhesive spray, you should make sure you only use adhesive specified as being foam compatible. A foam adhesive will give you the best stick and hold for long term success when working with foam materials.
Apply your spray adhesive to the foam pieces and the inside of the cushion hole you are trying to fill. Make sure you give each layer time to connect and form a strong bond before moving on to the next layer of foam filling in the hole.
Allow the foam and adhesive time to dry thoroughly before replacing the seat cover. This will ensure a long-lasting repair for your riding enjoyment!
Posted in Boat Cushions, Outdoor and Marine
Looking to replace / restore my jet ski seats
Our gym rubber foam could be used for that application.
Hello, I have a 1997 Sea-Doo sportster. Is your company capable of re-creating the foam that I could adhere back to the seat frame and then recover it
The two foams that could be used for that application is either our gym rubber foam or our neoprene-hq foam.
We would suggest our Neoprene-HQ foamfor your application.
I am looking for foam to possibly repair my jetski seat and maybe add little extra for more comfort. U recommend in posted questions hq neoprene but u state in your article that closed cell foam is not typical and open cell is better for this application. Which is the correct foam and other options that may be more cost effective?
Typically what is suggested is closed cell foam. Neoprene-HQ foam will work OK for this application, along with gym rubber foam.
The foam on the seats of my ’97 SeaDoo Challenger 800 is completely gone. Basically all I have is the plastic shell. Does your company offer precut foam?
We do offer various custom cushionson our website, be we do not carry anything that is pre-molded.
How much to replace interior on seadoo challenger 2001
Please Contact Usfor more information regarding your application.
I have two Sea Doo seats that have been sitting outside for 16 years. The covers are toast and the foam is disintegrating. Can you help me restore these seats?
Please Contact Usfor more information regarding your application.
Hello I am looking for price and availability on a seat for a 2007 SeaDoo wake I need both the front and the back seat.
Although we do not offer any pre-molded replacement, we do recommend our Minicel T200for this application. Please Contact Usfor further questions regarding your application.
I have a 2009 Yamaha waverunner vx cruiser 3 seater that is falling apart to the touch from being in the direct sun. Can I buy a new foam or would I need to just add foam on top of it and if yes what kind of foam? Thank you!
We do not sell any pre-molded seat shapes, so you could go either route, but the shaping would be up to you. For this application, we would recommend our Minicel T200foam.
Looking to buy foam replacement for the seats where can I buy them and how much ?
Please Contact Usfor further information regarding your application.
Application would be for a 2005 SeaDoo RXT215 front & rear seat –
Suggested type of foam?
Suggested thickness of foam?
For this application, we would recommend our Minicel T200foam. The thickness would depend on the seat you are looking for repair. Feel free to Contact Usif you have any further questions.
Hi I’ve got a Seadoo rxt 215 2006 I need the rear foam replacement please
Please Contact Usfor more information regarding your inquiry.
Good day, I have a 1995 Sea-Doo XP 800 that has a “hump seat” I would like to re-create this particular seat shape. I would like to know if this is something that TFF can help me with?
We have helped with projects like this one before. Please Contact Usdirectly for more information regarding your inquiry.
Could you make a really really comfortable seat, or modify the oem seat for a 2015 season
Spark 3up ? Factory upgrade “comfort seat” is not that great. Thx!
Thank you for reaching out to us via our blog.
Unfortunately most jet-ski seats are molded, because of this we cannot make a new foam piece for this. We can only provide flat foam, as we do not work with molds.
For all future questions, please contact us.